I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Hospice and Amanda

We enrolled our daughter in Hospice today.  Those words should never, ever be in a sentence together.

Amanda, overall, is doing pretty well.   The changes in her are not easy to ignore or overlook for me though.  Slowly, very slowly, the tumor is impacting her body in new ways.   Just small changes at this point, neck and shoulder pain, tingles in her arms and legs, unable to walk without assistance, left sided weakness is increasing and sleep, well, sleep at this point, it is almost a joke.  She is not sleeping well, so we are not sleeping well.  We hope to tweak a few things over the next few days and fix that! 

I went through the Hospice meeting at our house today almost like it was an out of body experience.  In my mind I was thinking, "This is not happening.  We are not talking about Amanda."  Yet we were and the reality was more painful than I imagined it would be. Throughout the meeting I had a journal open in front of me that a friend recently gave me.   At the bottom of the page it said, "Be still Sandy, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10  Anytime I felt like I was about to unravel, I would look down at that scripture and take a deep breath.  I never actually used that journal except to read that scripture!

Basically at this point with Hospice, we will have a nurse come at least once a week and assess how Amanda is doing, watch for any areas or indications of concern and see if there should be any adjustments or changes made to her medications.  

Hope is still here.  We are still loving and enjoying each day as much as possible.  We are currently on our way, you guessed it, to go swim.  And even though she rarely actually swims, she still loves to float. 

I am so thankful for the prayers that are continually being said on behalf of Amanda and our family.   The prayer sign up genius continues to amaze and encourage me. When my soul feels dry and hurting too much to pray, those names remind me of the many prayer warriors praying on our behalf. 

If you would like to participate in this ministry to our family, here is the link: Prayers for Amanda and enter the email watsonsignup@gmail.com.  Simply follow the instructions to complete the sign in and it will take you to the sign up page.  **Please note: We did not create this sight, so if you have any questions, please send an email to watsonsignup@gmail.com. 

Now, off to swim and make beautiful memories! 

Psalm 62:5
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.


  1. I asked for prayer for your precious family, yesterday, at our little church in the country. We can't possibly know the pain, but we know Jesus does and He will be right beside you every step of the way. I don't understand, but I do know we have a God who can be trusted. I will continue to pray...love to you all...

  2. I am a friend of Lindsey's. I have been reading your blog for a long time and am so sorry to read this. I continue to pray for you all!

  3. Love you guys and always praying. All things are possible with GOD.

  4. Della and I didn't sign the list, but we pray for Amanda and her family every day. This family truly is faith filled. !!!!

  5. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Prayers to Amanda, to you and the rest of your family for peace, comfort, and strength.

  6. Lifting your family up every day. I know how hard this is and I pray that the Lord gives you all the strength you need to sustain you through this process, wherever it may lead. He is in control. He always is.

  7. Prayers continue to flow everyday in HOPE that our mighty Lord will show us all a Miracle with sweet precious Amanda ! Love you all !

  8. As a mother my heart breaks with you. I also have a daughter named Amanda that was born with special needs so I feel a special connection to you.We have been praying for Amanda and all of your family through this journey. I am blessed by your blog and your faith. Praying for God's strength to get you all through the times to come. Praying and trusting God with you and for special blessings for you all.

  9. I do not know your family, but as we are all family in the eyes of God, I awoke one night and God told me to pray for Amanda and the family. Strange because I do not know the Watson family, just saw a post here and there. God is definitely moving here. I continue to pray for everyone in the Watson family, as this is not something you should have to endure without all Christian family. God's love is powerful and he is amazing!

  10. We are praying for you and the family. We miss you guys so much and pray that God will put his miracle hands on her.
    Love the Warriner

  11. I know we have a wonderful and powerful God. I do not know how you feel or what you are going thru. I do know that God is Good. I feel God's presence with you and your precious family. Prayers are with you and Do Not EVER give up.

  12. I cannot imagine. God bless you all.

  13. Our God is an awesome God!
