I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Tomorrow's appointment and hanging on to hope...

Tomorrow's appointment won't be the 'big' appointment we have been anticipating. We heard from Dr. Harrod late last week that she will not be there tomorrow, so we are scheduled for the 'treatment option' discussion for next Monday.  She did give us a little more info as to what we should be considering, so prayers for wisdom are certainly appreciated!   There are many questions and unknowns, but fortunately, we are pretty used to that at this point.  I know that this delay is a part of God's plan and He is not at all surprised by it.  In fact, it makes me hope for better things to come in regard to treatment options with this time delay!

Tomorrow we will check labs and discuss with Dr. George how Amanda has been feeling over the past two weeks.   Perhaps we can figure out why she is still feeling so sick and they can help her little body with a much needed boost! (Think fluids and/or steroids) She has continued to feel poorly with no energy and has been very weak.  In fact, she says she feels worse this week than she did last week!  We are going the wrong direction....however, we are still enjoying swimming as often as possible!

As for me, I'm doing my best to stay focused on the moment rather than the day.  The small details are now soaked up and treasured. Tasks are put off for snuggle time and nearness even more than before.  All things have new priorities around our house at this point. 

A dear friend shared the Facebook post by Ann Voskamp that is below.  What an amazing way for me to end my day to help keep my thoughts in their proper place.   Hope.

I think that the promise of hope is never stronger than when you have it anchored in the peace and love found only in Jesus Christ.

"Lord, in a big, loud world -- we hold on to Hope.
Hope for the impossible, hope for the unlikely, hope for the unexpected, 

hope for the improbable -- because hope is nothing else but the spine of faith.
Hope is our bread, hope is the only way we keep living, hope is what we dance to, 

believing the music will someday soon begin.
We dream hope again tonight, our rest steadied in the storm -- 

for Hope in You is the the anchor of our soul (Hebrews 6:19)."


  1. Keeping Amanda, you, and the rest of your family in my thoughts and prayers today for continued strength, hope, peace and wisdom. Praying that the path for best results will be clear to you today.

  2. Continued prayers! Thank you for the update. I love HOPE!!

  3. So, next Monday it is. We're praying that Dr. Harrod has encouraging news. More importantly, we are praying for Amanda, and are filled with the hope that Jesus Christ provides! ! ~ Elizabeth and Vet
