I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Watson Vacation 2014 in photos

Let the game of kickball commence!
Each summer, we have our annual Watson summer vacation.  Here are some pictures of all the adventures and fun we had.  One house, 16 people with 8 of them under the age of 12.  It was a blast.  We are beyond blessed.  I hope that you will give me some leeway with how many pictures I am posting.  All things considered, this was a special week that I want to share with you all.

Personal foul - holding!!
And as you can tell, it was a highly competitive game.....Abby took being first baseman very literally.  She wouldn't let anyone else stand on first base!
So, Uncle Clint stole the first baseman!  I am not sure that is a legal move...
Then, when she played second base, I think she decided the clouds were more entertaining.
That is, until Uncle Tom threatened to steal to second base...
Our beautiful cheering section.

Look out AJ!  Papa is stealing!!
And off goes Meredith - racing to third base.
Home Run kick - and he was proud of that one!
Meanwhile, Jem was helping out spread the bird seed.  Obviously he felt the bird house was just a little too difficult for them to get to.  :)

This is where Amanda caught the guinea pig fever....
With this crew, we enjoyed fireworks in the backyard rather than trying to make it to the show in town. 

And then, swimming!  I brought the camera and we all had a blast taking pictures.  :)

Me and my nephew Grayson. 
Sweet Abby is getting better and better at swimming - just look how she can put her head under the water for a picture!
Love it!!
This is AJ, the oldest of the Waco Watsons.
Aunt Lindsey and Jem, what you can't tell from this pic is that there is another Killeen Watson on the way!
Joseph has no fear of the water and loved for me to take this picture - over and over and over.

Maw Maw and Amanda
These girls are all part fish - they had a great time.

Meredith, AJ and Amanda

We tried to take underwater pictures of the grand kids.  More humorous than successful!

Love these kiddos!
Some fun underwater family pics:
The entire Waco clan
Uncle Stephen and Abby underwater
The Killeen Watsons
 Now how we missed a family picture of the Georgetown Watson - I don't know!!

We wore those kids out swimming!
Amanda and Meredith playing a little MineCraft. 
Uncle Clint and AJ enjoying the pool
The game everyone played the most was called Categories.  Basically it was like tag in the water.  You had someone that was "it" and would stand on the side of the pool.  They would call out something from a Category, like favorite colors, and when your color was called you tried to swim across the pool before the person that was it would tag you. This kept them entertained for hours. 

So incredibly thankful for these strong Christian influences in my life who also happen to be my sisters in law!

As these two get older, they are going to be trouble!

"Always be yourself unless you can be Batman....then always be Batman."
This was what I got when I asked Abby to smile......kinda reminds me of Amanda.
Amanda and Uncle Stephen are ready to go!  Competition runs in the family.

And the wrestling begins....
..but not for everyone!

Jem is not sure what to think about Amanda pointing that water gun at him....
Possibly my favorite picture of the week.
As you can see from ALL these pictures, we had a wonderful time.  We are not taking a moment for granted, enjoying each other as much as possible, and thankful for the memories.

Hebrews 12:1-2

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.

1 comment:

  1. Psalm 33:20-22 We’re depending on God;
    he’s everything we need.
    What’s more, our hearts brim with joy
    since we’ve taken for our own his holy name.
    Love us, God, with all you’ve got—
    that’s what we’re depending on.
