I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A mid-week break

With our appointment yesterday, I had not planned any school work thinking we could have a very long day.  We were home much earlier than anticipated with no work planned for the day.  Amanda, however, knew we would be running errands today with Maw Maw Smith and wanted to get her school work done.  So we did today's work yesterday and had a little mid-week break today!

After having lunch with PaPa and finishing our errands, we made a trip out to R.O.C.K so that Amanda could introduce Maw Maw to Miss Piggy, the therapy horse.  Even though the fall session has not started yet, the special staff at R.O.C.K. have done an terrific job of making us feel welcome and like family.   As you can see from the pictures below, Amanda had a wonderful time.  As I stood watching her while we said goodbye, it made me so happy to see her quick and bright smile light up her face.  I can't wait to see how this experience blesses Amanda and our family.
Amanda and Mrs. Jen saying hi to Miss Piggy
Let the fun, I mean therapy, begin!
This was a task she took seriously!
Miss Piggy's favorite part! Carrots!
This cutie is Shimmer.  I like his beard.   :-)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

No chemo- but GOOD NEWS!

Well, the counts are in.  While her platelets have gone up a little, we still are not close to the level needed for chemo to start.  However, because they have gone up, no infusion was needed, nor did she need fluids.  That is a praise.  Another HUGE praise in my book is that she GAINED A POUND!  This is her first significant weight gain since she started chemo.  I know, I know - a pound may not seem significant, but when we have been dealing with gaining and losing ounces, and mostly losing, an entire pound is enough to make me do the happy dance.  And a high five.  At the same time.  :)

Our visit was very short today and that is always a good thing.  Amanda did great with her port access and handled the day well.  Thank you for praying for her today.  If you don't mind, I have a new prayer request.  Please specifically pray her counts will once again skyrocket before next week's visit.  We saw this same situation last month, low platelets one week and a huge surge in them the next allowing us to start chemo, so we know it can be done.  The higher her platelets can go, the better off she is when she starts chemo.  It simply puts her at a better physical starting point for the next cycle if we can begin with good, strong numbers.

I have hit some emotional bumps in the road lately.  There are no new concerns or complications, it just seems that something will take me by surprise, or if I let my thoughts wander a little too much I end up in places I don't want to be and it hurts.  The physical side effects she experiences are sometimes especially difficult for me to see.  Bruises, petechiae or even some hair loss will at times take my breath away.  I guess because she is doing so well and looks so good, that when even these small symptoms of chemo appear, it can catch me off guard.  Funny, isn't it?  Our whole lives have been altered by this one thing, but often, this one thing can still be pushed to the back of my mind and "overlooked" as we go about our days. 

So we are back in our waiting pattern of watching her closely, letting her push her own limits and praying that her body is on the rebound this week.  I'm so glad that our God is a God of details.  It is a reminder to me that not even the smallest thing (or in Amanda's case - cells!) goes unnoticed by Him. 
Isaiah 26:3
You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.

Psalm 139: 1-14
O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
    you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
    and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
    behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
You hem me in, behind and before,
    and lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
    it is high; I cannot attain it.

Where shall I go from your Spirit?
    Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
    If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning
    and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 even there your hand shall lead me,
    and your right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
    and the light about me be night,”
12 even the darkness is not dark to you;
    the night is bright as the day,
    for darkness is as light with you.
13 For you formed my inward parts;
    you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well.

Monday, August 26, 2013

We made it!

We made it! No early trip to Dell needed.  Amanda has been doing very well today.  She was feeling so well in fact that we joined Tom on a quick run to Home Depot as a break from school work this morning.  Ah, the perks of home school. :)  By the time we got home, however, she was ready for a rest!  The fact that she was wanting to go and do things gives me great hope that her counts are on the rise, and not the opposite. 

After finishing her work and getting a nice break this afternoon, she went with Tom to pick up Brandon from football practice.  Mondays and Wednesdays will be long days for Brandon.  He has after school study hall then football practice until 6:00 p.m.  I think this year is going to be a big adjustment for him as he learns to balance sports while at the same time his academics are getting more difficult.  However, he is a diligent student and enjoys sports so much, I have no doubt that he will quickly adapt.  I, on the other hand, will miss him on those long days  The one good thing I immediately see is that come bedtime, there will be no asking for just five more minutes.  He is going to be one tired young man!

Today felt like a productive day, and once again, I learned some lessons regarding Amanda's school work and balancing the freedom of not having a set schedule.  While we accomplished everything I had planned for today, plus an extra math lesson, there is still room for improvement on my structuring of the day.  I think staying focused is the key......now if I can just figure out how to daily accomplish that, we will be doing good!

As we wound down our day over dinner, Brandon was excited about a lab they did in science today and wanted to show it to us.  So after we were done eating, he gathered all the needed ingredients and proceeded to do an experiment on density.  Fun!
My little mad scientists.
Tomorrow we will find out where we stand with the timing of her chemo.  We are in week five, and I think I can confidently say she will not start this week. 

Please keep Amanda is your  prayers tomorrow.  She has already voiced how much she dislikes getting platelets and hopes we are not there very long tomorrow.   Please pray that she will be able to take things as they come tomorrow with a courageous spirit. 

Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A day of resting

Today has been a mostly good day for Amanda.  Amanda's energy level is still low, so she spent the morning resting.  This afternoon she started to feel bad, so I moved her to our bed where she has stayed.  She is letting me know if she has any symptoms I need to know about, but I can't help staying close to her.  The perk of that is I'm getting all kinds of chores done in my room that I have been putting off!  Thankfully, she is feeling better this evening.  Tom is working today and I really don't want to take her to the ER if I can help it.

Please pray that Amanda's counts will start climbing on their own.  It would be wonderful if we could make it until Tuesday before heading to Dell.  Plus, we have school work to do tomorrow.  :)

Here are some cute pictures from the party yesterday.  It's sad to think it might have been our last swimming party of the year!

Amanda and Abby, the birthday girl!

The cutie in the front is Joseph and the one enjoying some cake is Greyson, two of the Waco Watson cousins.

Playing peek-a-boo with Abby's little brother, Jem.  Jem's sweet Aunt Leslie is enjoying the fun.

Looks like Brandon is under attack! Ready or not, he's going in!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

What if it was me?

We made it through another day without a trip into Austin.  I would be really happy to not have to make a trip this weekend, so please pray that her platelets will start climbing on their own and that she won't need an infusion over the next few days. 

Today we went to Temple for our niece's fourth birthday.  It was a swimming party and Amanda felt up to swimming for about an hour or so before she got tired.  I'm thrilled that she was able to go and have fun.  After the party, we spent the rest of the afternoon with the Watson family.  Most of the time we put a lot of work into finding a day that we can all get together, and even though a part of the family wasn't there, I still love how today seemed to fall into place and we had some nice family time. 

I had a wonderful conversation with my sister in law's father and a family friend at the party today.  We spoke of our faith, and how it strengthens you in the hard times in life.  The comment was made that as Christians, we hear that so much from the pulpit or sitting in a bible study class.  But when you are able to stand firm and be confident in that truth when life hits you hard, that is when you are given a beautiful opportunity to truly live out and walk the life we have been called to live. That is how I feel about Team Watson right now.  I often feel as if I am living out a story of one of God's miracles and I can't wait to see what He does next.  Yes, I would wish for anything other than to be where we are, but what an amazing ability we have to glorify God and share our testimonies as we experience this journey. 

Having said that, I am still a mom.  I am a mom who often struggles with the truth that I have a daughter with brain cancer.   I have days that I stare the ugly reality in the face and it wins.  The fear washes over me and I can’t bear to think about the future.  My imagination of what might or might not happen gets the better of me and I lose the battle.  But because of the truth I mentioned above, I know that it is okay for me to work through those feelings - God is strong enough to handle my fears.  It is His strength that rushes in and washes over me to restore my faith, joy and my hope during my hard times.  
I imagine at some point, as you have followed our journey, you have asked yourself, “What would I do if I was in their place? How would I handle that?”  I have asked myself the same thing in the past.  Two summers ago, Tom’s younger brother and his wife lost a precious baby boy, Sam.  As we watched them walk through the darkest of valleys with strength, grace, total dependence and trust in God, I stood back and admired their faith.  I remember having that conversation with Thomas as we drove to Temple as clearly as if it was yesterday and asking those questionsI wondered if I had the strength to be like them if something happened to one of our children, all the while praying that I never had to find out.  

I have found that I do have the strength, and if you have a personal relationship with Christ, if He is your Lord and Savior and your life is saturated in His truth, you too can face more than you ever thought possible.  It may not be such a gut-wrenching experience as having a child with cancer, but God has a purpose and calling for each of our lives.  We are called to live it out with faith.

As I sit here tonight, at the foot of Amanda's bed while she sleeps I can hear my son in the next room getting ready for bed and my husband moving about the house, and I am peaceful.  My life feels more fulfilled and full of love right now than it ever has.  Life is a blessing and we have no promises for tomorrow.  So I encourage you, live your life, right where God has you, and glorify Him with all you have.  

Psalm 62:6-8
He only is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
On God rests my salvation and my glory;
    my mighty rock, my refuge is God. 
Trust in him at all times, O people;
    pour out your heart before him;
    God is a refuge for us.

Friday, August 23, 2013

A new opportunity

My girl keeps surprising me!  Today has been another good day for Amanda.  Even though she tires out easy, she keeps going and takes advantage of opportunities to conserve her energy as much as possible.  She listens to her body very well - I like that about her.   And much like her mother, she is easy to read, so you can just look at her to see how she feels.  That also helps.  We  have noticed some additional bruising this evening along with some petechiae, so we will continue to keep a close eye on her this weekend.  These symptoms indicate that her platelets are most likely dropping.

Today was an exciting day, and looking at how it all fell into place, I just have to smile.  Dr. Brown recommended R.O.C.K. (Ride On Center for Kids) here in Georgetown for Amanda to help with her balance along with building her confidence on the skills she is able to do.  After looking into it, Tom and I both think it is going to be an amazing opportunity for her.  She will be participating in Hippotherapy, which is basically physical therapy on a horse.  How fun does that sound?!  She loves horses and has been begging to go riding for ages.
This was at the fundraiser in June. As soon as it cooled off, Amanda rode as often as she could!
The physical therapist who will be working with Amanda already has a special connection to our family.  Besides working at R.O.C.K., she also works at a local rehab facility. This morning, she happened to work with a close family friend.  Somehow they made the connection of knowing Amanda and then learned that we all go to the same church!  I love how God works things out.  Most of the time, we don't even realize it.  Everyone we met today was welcoming and friendly.  Amanda got to meet a few of the horses and even brush and comb one.  She loved it.  So we will complete all the necessary paperwork next week and get those appointments scheduled soon!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A productive day!

Amanda has had a good day today.  We tried to run a few errands and do some grocery shopping, but she was not up to it.  Her legs were too weak.  Other than that symptom, she has been doing very well.
This picture was taken last March at the Taco Fundraiser put on by the Georgetown and Round Rock Fire Departments.  Look how tiny Ginger was!
When we received her labs yesterday, I was surprised that her white blood cell count was as good as it was, especially with her low platelet count.  As I thought about it more today, I came up with this possibility.  I remembered that Amanda had been on two separate antibiotics because of her low white blood cell count to help prevent infection.  She had reactions to both of those drugs and they impacted her count.  Basically, while we may have this issue with a low platelet count each cycle, there is a good chance that we may not have the complication of such low white blood cells!  That would indeed be a huge praise! 

I think today was a very productive day on the home school front.  We actually had math, history and literature class today.  I made great progress with organization and enjoyed reviewing the various subjects we plan to tackle this year.  I created a daily schedule with therapy workouts, classes and chores labeled, but I have a feeling it will get tweaked quiet a few times over the upcoming weeks as we settle in to a routine.  On a humorous note, I did find out quickly what does not work, but thankfully I did find a little of what does!  Overall, I end the day with an excitement that I haven't felt before. 

Amanda's next MRI is scheduled for the end of September.  After the last wonderful result, I am praying for another positive scan!  These are events we look forward to with hopeful anticipation.  Please continue to pray, that if it is God's will, that there will one day be complete healing!

So I am ending tonight with a rather silly admission.  I sort of miss CaringBridge.  Not the sight itself, because I enjoy being able to add as many pictures to my blog as I like and this site is more user friendly, but I miss the little hearts at the end of each post.  I miss how easy it was for you all to post comments, and then everyone had the opportunity to heart them as well.  It was almost like getting to talk or chat with a friend for that day.  Just to see your name at the bottom of the post, or a short comment, felt like contact with everyone "on the outside" and it was nice.  I don't mean for that to sound like a pity-party and I'm sorry if it comes across that way.  I think it just goes to show how even the smallest of gestures, like the click of a heart, has the ability to brightens someone's day.  

Having shared that, tomorrow I will look for small ways to brighten someone's day.  How about you?

1 Corinthians 13

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.  And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.  If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant  or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

  Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will
cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part,  but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.  For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Not the news I was hoping for...

What a roller coaster of emotions today.  The first day of school!  Since Tom was home today, I went to school early to attend Teacher Prayer with the faculty.  I can't think of a better way to start of the school day than praying together as a group.  I was so honored to be there.  As I walked into the office this morning before joining them, I couldn't help but cry.  Who would have thought that Amanda would be able to attend the first day of school this year?  I felt so blessed that this day had come. 
Back To School at Grace Academy 2013
Amanda not only attended class today, she was able to stay the entire morning!  Tom said she was so excited this morning.  While she was in class, I was able to help out in the office. Yep - I even wore my name tag and faculty/staff uniform today. It was bittersweet. I must say, even with our busy schedule of appointments, it does not compare in any way to the hustle and bustle in that office. They are running that place with efficiency!  I tried to stay out of the way and work in a corner, but didn't always succeed. I had a fun day being back around the team. Brandon's classroom is right next door to the office, so I even had the opportunity to see his face a few times today.  That made the day a little more special. (Even if they did ask me to work carpool this morning!) :)   He had a great day and enjoyed all of his teachers.  It was a fantastic start for him!

Unfortunately, Amanda needed to leave at lunch, and she was NOT happy with me.  Thankfully, she had an appointment at Dell, so I was not to blame for making her leave early.  Hey, there are enough battles I have to fight, I don't mind letting someone else take the heat on occasion!  Thomas took her to the appointment while I stayed at school so that I could pick up Brandon and be with him on his first day of school.  Tom has to miss many appointments due to work, so I got to see what it is like being on this end of it all, and I don't mind admitting that I didn't like it one bit!  

Her labs came back and her platelets have dropped pretty far.  Not far enough that Dr. Harrod felt she needed a platelet infusion, but enough that we need to keep a careful eye on her and chemo is delayed.  Thankfully, her white blood cell count is high, which is a good thing.  Especially since she was around a lot of children today.

I have to admit, I was bitterly disappointed that we couldn't start chemo and that her platelets have dropped so low. She has been feeling so good!  Everything about this round has been an improvement, and I guess I should look at this as an improvement as well.  I have to remind myself that God has a plan for this and I can see blessings despite my disappointment.  Even though her platelets are low, her white blood cell count is still at a good level- so she is feeling well and we don't have to wear masks while we are in public places.  I'd say those are two huge blessings!

So here we are, waiting for another week to see what her counts will be.  In the meantime, I will be busy with lesson plans, balancing schedules, learning how to juggle home, Brandon's school, and home school.  Trying to do my best to be a Godly wife, mother and friend.  And muddling my way through the beginning steps of actually trying to teach.  All the while, struggling to not let my emotions, like stress, frustration and exhaustion, get the better of me; but instead, to find the joy in each new day. 

One of my dearest friends gave me a printout from Ann Voskamp's website, A Holy Experience, a few years ago.  It is called "10 Grace Prayers for Joyful Parenting."  I imagine I will be referencing it often in the days to come.  One has particularly jumped out at me this evening.  It says, "Just for today, I will ask for His grace, that when stress mounts, I'll dismount it with gratitude."

Our family has so much to be grateful for. 

Psalm 103:8-13
The Lord is merciful and gracious,
    slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

He will not always chide,
    nor will he keep his anger forever. 

 He does not deal with us according to our sins,
    nor repay us according to our iniquities. 

 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;

as far as the east is from the west,
    so far does he remove our transgressions from us.

As a father shows compassion to his children,
    so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back to School Day!

What a day!  Today, we all attended back to school day.  How fun it was to see how much the school is growing!  It touched me to see the Team Watson tshirts around campus. Our family is ready to officially kick off the school year tomorrow.

Amanda went along today and she is planning on attending a portion of the first day of school before she heads down to Dell for her labs tomorrow.  It was another great day for her.  Please pray that her labs will be high enough that she is able to start chemo tomorrow!  What a joy that would be after last month's six week cycle to be able to have a four week cycle.  

Amanda and I may have a bit of a delayed start with schooling depending on how the next few days go with her treatment. That may be a good thing because I need a little time to wrap my head around the curriculum!  I am amazed at God's goodness.  Amanda's teacher this year at Grace is such a huge blessing and has been incredibly helpful getting me ready to start teaching.  Not only do I have the support of the school, it seems like friends are coming out of the woodwork offering to support me in any way possible as I take on home schooling.  Whether it is to come in and be a "different face", helping me understand the curriculum or simply words of encouragement that I can do this and not be too hard on myself, it has been welcomed and appreciated. I imagine there will be days that I feel like I am the world's worst teacher, but perhaps we will have days that I feel like I know what I am doing....I guess only time will tell.

James 1:2-8; 12
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;  he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

Monday, August 19, 2013

No trip to Dell today!

Well, praise God, Amanda had a great day!  We went to physical therapy as planned, and though she worked hard, she made it through with a great attitude.  With school starting this week, today was Brandon's last day to attend physical therapy with Amanda, so he joined in and participated. They both had a great time.  Going forward, I won't schedule physical therapy during this fourth week of treatment again. She just tires out too quickly due to her counts being a little low.  However, no trip to Dell today was required!

Tomorrow we have back to school day at Grace Academy.  Amanda is excited about going to visit the 4th grade classroom and possibly seeing her friends while Brandon is ready to kick off his year as a student in the School of Logic and 6th grade.   My how time flies by.  Seems like yesterday I was crying as we dropped him off in Kindergarten. 

Wednesday is the first day of school.  What a summer this has been.  I am ready for at least the routine that school will provide.  You know me!  I love my routines.  The one thing I am truly hoping for is that it slows things down a bit.  Maybe that is not the right way to say it.  I realize with one in school and one that will be home schooled while undergoing chemotherapy, there will never be a dull moment; but I am ready for the schedule and routine that will come with school starting.  Please pray for me as I learn discipline and structure, which is very different than schedules and routines.  

I am actually allowing myself to hope that we may be able to have a four week treatment cycle this time.  Amanda has really shown a lot of energy and spunk today.  I am taking that as a positive sign.  Although, one thing I have learned is that things can change very quickly.  I will work at taking this week one day at a time.  So with that, I am looking forward to a good day tomorrow!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

To Dell, or not to Dell, that is the question....

Today started off with me planning a trip to Dell tomorrow.  This morning, our plans were to go to early service at church and then depending on how Amanda felt, would decide if Amanda and I would head to Sunday School or head home.  We didn't even make it to church.  She got up and got ready for church and got dizzy and short of breath.  Those were the same symptoms that hit her last month when her platelets started dropping.  Since we are entering the fourth week of this cycle, I was not at all surprised, in fact I have been anticipating this.   So Amanda and I stayed home this morning.  This afternoon I went to a surprise anniversary party and when I returned home this evening, she was feeling much better!  In fact, after that one spell this morning, she has not had any other problems.  Praise God!  So we are keeping our plans to go to physical therapy tomorrow and our appointment at Dell is still scheduled for Wednesday. 

She was feeling well enough that we made it to church tonight.  I am so glad we did! Tonight, part of the sermon was about how important it is for us to be in church.  How worshiping with the body of Christ replenishes our weary spirits, refreshes us and prepares us to go back out into the world with the strength to not only face what may come, but also be a witness to those we come in contact with.  How true that is! I have missed many services since Amanda has been diagnosed and every time I have the opportunity to go it is always a huge blessing.  I have never regretted staying home with Amanda, but I do cherish those times that we worship together, in church, as a family.  

Yesterday, we had a light day and managed to make it out one more time to the skeet range before Casey heads back to college. (See previous post for our recent trip to the skeet range.)  I even gave it a try and think I did fairly well.  I didn't even bruise!  Well, honestly, that was probably because I only shot about a dozen times, but I still had a great time.  Our day ended with dinner at home and a little Duck Dynasty.  We do have a good time watching that show!  It makes us happy, happy, happy.

Tonight, as the day comes to an end, tomorrow morning brings a new day.  I am tempted to say with unknown factors and unknown anxieties, but I really can't go there.  Although, I am amazed at when I do find myself going down that path, how quickly God's promises gets me right back where I need to be. 

2 Samuel 2:2-4, 32-33

 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, 
 my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield, and the horn of my salvation,
    my stronghold and my refuge,
    my savior; you save me from violence. 

 I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised,
    and I am saved from my enemies.

For who is God, but the Lord?
    And who is a rock, except our God?
This God is my strong refuge
    and has made my way blameless

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Good week, good lab report

It feels like forever since I have posted, and for me, it has been!  It's been almost a week since I have updated you on how things are going here in the Watson home.  With school starting next week, we have tried to get in a few last minute events and enjoy the days as much as possible while Amanda is feeling good.  So here is a run down on what Team Watson has been up to lately.

Saturday we spent the day at home after our full, but happy day on Friday (see previous post).  The AC in the house went out, so it was a hot night, but the kids and I decided to face it like an adventure. Sunday was church and it was wonderful for all four of us to worship together. Thankfully, Sunday afternoon we were able to get the AC working.  Monday Amanda went to physical and occupational therapy.  She continues to receive positive reports on her progress despite the fact that I am struggling to get a routine going for her at home.  My hope is that with school starting, I will become better with her routines.  The kids spent Monday night at my folks so that my dad could take Brandon and my nephew Ryan golfing Tuesday morning.  With the kids gone for the day and Tom working, I went to work at Grace!  It felt good to be on campus with all the hustle and bustle of preparations for the start of school.  God is continuing to bless and Grace is bursting at the seams.  It is always exciting to start a new school year.  Wednesday I had a few appointments in town so between those and going back to the office for a few hours, the day flew by.  Amanda has just been going along, feeling good and staying active.  She is eating well and maintaining weight, which is good, but I still wish I could put a few pounds on her.

Wednesday night we spent the evening with special friends of ours, the Jones family.   Hank, Beth, Casey and Kat have been such an encouragement to our entire family during the last six months.  Our families have been looking forward to getting together for a little time on the skeet range, and we finally made it happen this week. 
Oh yes she did! And they had a blast....

Round and round they went all evening.

Meanwhile, the boys were getting down to business.

Hank and Casey both give lessons, so Tom and Brandon were in for a great night.
Not to mention Casey is a collegiate shotgun shooter who won the National Collegiate Skeet Championship this year at ACUI!
They went through the bullets...

My boys were doing pretty good if I do say so myself!

I thought the night shots were cool.
Look out ducks, after tonight, the Watson men are now ready!
Not even a little rain stopped them...
Kat and Amanda rode until they ran out of light.
Needless to say it was a great night, but was a late night.  This morning came very early as we had to be at Dell by 9:00 for her weekly lab check.  With Amanda's labs as high as they were last week, I went in feeling pretty good as far as where her counts would be.  Her platelet level has dropped and is lower than the required level to start chemo, but close enough that if they stay where they are, we will go ahead and start chemo next week. That would be a huge praise!  I personally think that her levels will continue to drop like they did last month, but I am going to pray that they stay strong and this cycle continues to improve over the first one! Every other aspect of this cycle has been better, there is no reason why this part can't improve either. 

The day ended on a fun note for Amanda.  We were able to meet a small handful of friends to swim and celebrate her birthday a little early before school and her next treatment cycle starts.  I am feeling very blessed over how good of a week we have had.   

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

Friday, August 9, 2013

What a great day!

Today was indeed a long day, but one I didn't mind a bit because it was a day of good reports!  We started at the Radiation Oncologist's office at the Georgetown Cancer Center.  It was so good to see everyone again and was a sweet reunion since Amanda is doing so well!  As a side note, I learned a good lesson today about scheduling appointments - don't schedule them close together!  We didn't have as long to sit and visit with Dr. Brown as I would have liked since we had another appointment immediately after it with Dr. Harrod at Dell.  Even though it was a quick appointment, there was still enough time for him to tell us that Amanda is doing great!  His response to Amanda's most recent MRI was so encouraging, I was amazed all over again at how God has been answering prayer.  For me, Dr. Brown was the one opinion I was holding my breath in anticipation for regarding her most recent MRI.  I mean, everyone else has been ecstatic about it, but this is his area of expertise, so his opinion weighs the heaviest in my mind.  I did not walk away disappointed!  The team of doctors we have been blessed with is nothing short of a miracle in my mind because not only are they amazing, but they are right here at home. 

A walk down memory lane: (One that Amanda would NOT appreciate!)

She did this every day, five days a week, for six weeks
Amanda's radiation mask was painted by Dr. Brown himself!

The amazing team at Georgetown Cancer Center.  This was her last day of treatment back in May. The Ipad was a picture of one of the techs in England wearing her Team Watson shirt!

From there, we rushed to Dell for Amanda's weekly lab check, and those also came back great.  Everyone was a little amazed at how well she is doing.  Amanda acted like herself in the office today (talkative, a little silly and goofy and generally just in good spirits) and they just couldn't get over how different she is from just a few short weeks ago.  It was a long afternoon in the transfusion room, but praise God she had no negative reaction to the new antibiotic! Thank you for your prayers!  I will sit in there all day just for that good outcome.  Her other meds went without incident and four hours after walking in to the office, we were headed home. 

While we are riding high on all the good reports, it comes to mind, would we still be praising God if everything was the opposite?  If the reports did not come back good, and we were facing trials and complications?  Yes, we would.  I will admit, it is much easier to praise God with our good news and while our girl doing so well, but I also realize that there is still a long road ahead and we can't see the finish line to see how things turn out.  Our God is in control of all things.  All of the unknowns are okay because when you get down to the truth of the matter, I trust that God's plan is better than man's. There is a song that Tom has dubbed his theme song by MercyMe called "Bring the Rain."  While I encourage you to YouTube it and hear it in it's entirety, the following is a portion of the lyrics:

I can count a million times
People asking me how I
Can praise You with all that I've gone through
The question just amazes me
Can circumstances possibly
Change who I forever am in You
Maybe since my life was changed
Long before these rainy days
It's never really ever crossed my mind
To turn my back on you, oh Lord
My only shelter from the storm
But instead I draw closer through these times
So I pray

Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain

You know me well enough by now to know that what I have to say next is no surprise.  I will keep praying for the desires of my heart.  I'm still praying that there will be a miracle and Amanda will be completely healed of this tumor and we will have years to glorify God for answered prayer.  I think that God has something special on the other side of this journey, not only for Amanda's life, but for our entire family as well.  We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg of what He can do.  I know that our lives are forever changed because of this, and I am thankful for that.  You don't really see the richness and the magnitude of your blessings until you start living like they may not be there tomorrow.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A great week so far, treatment tomorrow

It's amazing how differently this cycle has gone compared to the first one.   Amanda is doing great.  Yesterday the kids went to my parent's house and spent the day with their cousins and we ended the day by going to church at Lawler. I even played the piano since their pianist was gone.  It was just like old times.  Today we went to Double G for a little archery practice and then out to see Grampy while the boys mowed.  The week has flown by, but I guess that is what happens when Monday is a vacation day - it just throws the rest of the week off balance!

Yesterday we shared with our Grace family that Tom and I have made the decision to home school Amanda this year.   After seeing how her body has responded to treatment, which is scheduled to go through next summer, we feel that she will not physically be able to attend classes.  With the Administration and Board of Trustee’s approval and support, we will do our best to include her in various activities throughout the school year so she can stay involved and in touch with her classmates.   It is our prayer that she returns to Grace next year with her classmates.  Brandon will be at Grace, so this is another area where we would appreciate prayers as we learn to balance and juggle the various calendars and schedules.  It should be an exciting year!  I may need to adopt the circus theme for the school year since we will be juggling so many things.  Trapeze anyone?  

I am going to be a teacher.  Who would have thought?!  My first inclination is to panic, but this too is not a surprise to God.   I have faith and trust that God knows best, even though at times I feel woefully inadequate to take this on.

Since Tom and I began discussing this decision some time ago, I have had time to work through all the implications it brings and to tell the truth, I am starting to look forward to being at home full time even if the home school aspect does intimidate me a little.  While I held on to the hope that she would be able to return to school, we now know that God has other plans for our family.  To be honest, I am starting to view home school as another chapter in our adventure!  I truly feel blessed for the opportunity to be with her daily and have this active role in her education. 

It has been awhile since we have posted pictures of Ginger, so I thought I would include a few tonight to show how big she has gotten!  This should be as large as she gets - we hope!

Tomorrow will be a long day for us.  We have a follow up appointment with Dr. Brown, the Radiation Oncologist in the morning.  I am excited to see him and talk to him about the most recent MRI results!  We then head to Dell for Amanda’s second transfusion of her IV medication along with a new antibiotic she will also receive through her port.  This will be the third antibiotic they have tried on her.  She had reactions to the first two, so we are praying for a more positive experience with this one!   She is very anxious about it, please pray for her to have courage.  This antibiotic is a preventative medication that she will be on for the entirety of her treatment, plus up to six months after, so we want something that works really well for her.  

God continues to bless us tremendously each and every day. We are thankful.