I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Wednesday's and Thursday's ride

We would like to introduce you to the horse Amanda rode, and loved, on Wednesday.  His name is Dude and he is a Paint.  We surprised Amanda again because Sandra Jo was one of her side walkers for Wednesday's ride.  All in all, it was a beautiful day for a ride.

Meeting Dude
I'd say she was a little on the tired side that day.....
Oh, how I do love seeing that smile!
One of the exercises - striking crazy poses.
Dude was a hit!
Yesterday was her first day for her second ride and what a day she had.  Amanda and I started the day by heading to ROCK early to do our school work.   That was a fun change of pace for both of us.  Then it was time to ride.  Thursday's rides will be more focused on her learning how to ride a horse versus the physical therapy that she receives on Wednesdays.  Freedom was in a playful mood, and she had a great day tacking, riding, removing the tack, then turning him back out to pasture when they were through.

After ROCK, we headed to pick up Brandon and get ready for the big play off game.  The tournament was a single elimination, and unfortunately, the boys lost in a heartbreaking game against a team they have beat twice this season.  They played, and played hard, but in the end lost 6-0.  So our football season is officially over.  We will have a short time off before we head into our next sport, basketball!

As our week ends, the kids have a big weekend planned.  Tonight, Tom, Brandon and Papa Watson are going bow fishing on Stillhouse Lake. This was a gift to Brandon and the boys have been looking forward to this trip for awhile. Then, tomorrow morning, we are hoping that Amanda will feel up to going deer hunting for youth weekend.   Mornings are always very hard for her, so this will be a huge accomplishment on her part to get up and go.  Today we took Amanda to sight in her rifle.  She has her eye on a monster buck this year. 
Saturday is also our day at my folks to celebrate family birthdays this month, one of which happens to be Tom's!.   His birthday was yesterday, and when it is all said and done, we will celebrate his birthday three times. :)  For a man who is a 'behind the scenes' kind of guy - this is a little over the top and I love it. 

Looking to next week, we are entering the third week where her counts traditionally drop.  She has had such a great cycle this time (not counting her week of chemo) that I am hopeful we won't see any major changes like we have in the past, but that she will continue to feel good as we head into the last two weeks of this cycle.  

Psalm 33:21-22
In him our hearts rejoice,
    for we trust in his holy name.
May your unfailing love be with us, Lord,
    even as we put our hope in you.

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