Yesterday, Amanda woke up feeling sick and had a rough morning. By the time I left to run up to the school to participate in the sixth grade Coffee House as a surprise guest (Brandon was embarrassed, although I don't know why, see photo below), she was still in bed and it was not looking good for the Rock Ceremony. Tom texted me a few hours later saying she was up and painting, and looking forward to going to the Rock Ceremony. So thankful for all the prayers for Amanda to feel well enough to enjoy these past two days.
Every spring, Grace Academy holds a “Rock Ceremony.” As parents, we pick a trait that we have seen God working on in our child’s life that year and write it on a rock. Then, at a ceremony with other Grace families, the fathers have the opportunity to speak a blessing over their student as they publicly present the rock and explain why that trait was chosen. This ceremony is based on Joshua 3 & 4 where the Israelites crossed the Jordan River and God caused the water to be cut off so that they may cross on dry ground. The Lord instructed that one stone for each tribe be taken from the riverbed and carried in to the Promised Land to build an altar. This altar would give testimony to the goodness of God for generations to come. In the same way, we are building an “altar” to the Lord so that as our children grow, we can look back and see a visible reminder of God’s work in their life throughout their years at Grace Academy. Each year, this ceremony touches my heart, and this year, I can't even begin to express what a blessing it was to be able to celebrate this milestone together as a family.
In our family, Tom chooses the traits of that are put on the rocks. This year, Brandon's characteristic was Endurance. (Romans 5:3-5 & Hebrews 10:36) Brandon has been through a lot this year. From what is going on in our family, to missing time in school and having to make sure his work was kept up, to experiencing new challenges as he entered the School of Logic and all the changes that brings with it, he has faced a lot. We have seen him work hard to reach goals and always drive to do his best. He finished well.
Amanda's trait was Alertness. (Ephesians 6:17-18 & Mark 14:38) Tom chose this trait because Amanda is very aware of what goes on around her. She knows everything about her medications, when she is supposed to take them, when she can or can not eat, details about her port access and what the nurses are supposed to do - I mean, she knows her stuff. Our prayer is that as she grows, that she will have the same alertness to the Holy Spirit in her life.
This morning, she pushed (sheer determination) past her morning blahs (mornings are so hard for her) to be at school by 8:15. Amanda then spent the morning with her classmates and enjoyed the day. She almost seems energized after the day and I was expecting her to be totally wiped out. also today, Brandon was awarded a Magna cum Laude medal for achieving an A/B honor roll for the year. Tom and I are so proud of him.
As you will see from the pictures below, it has been two days full of blessings. I have cried on numerous occasions these past two days simply seeing Amanda and Brandon together at school. Brandon was a great big brother today, watching out for Amanda and helping her when she needed it. As Amanda and I pulled out of campus at the end of the day, she said she was so glad she was with Brandon today to kick off the summer.
Amanda was so glad to see this sweet group of girls! |
Crazy, man. |
I played the bongos while Mrs. Moore threw down some hip, hot poetry, Latin style. We were the guest performance for the happening Sixth Grade Coffee House. Groovy man! |
Tom presenting Brandon with his rock of Endurance. |
Amanda being presented with her rock of Alertness. |
The entire team, ready to play tug of war. |
Enjoying a popsicle break between games. |
The fourth grade class! They joined arms and walked over the finish line to symbolize completing the fourth grade and entering the fifth grade. There were definite tears here. |
Oh my - she pulled with all her might! |
Such a fun, kind group of girls. Amanda is very excited to join them again next fall! |
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