I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A good report, and a great ride

2 POUNDS!  Amanda has gained two pounds since our last doctor's appointment, a little over a week ago.  Talk about being one happy mama!!  That is crazy good - considering the most we have ever put on since we have started chemo in a single week has been a pound.  Plus, we have really concentrated on her gaining some weight this week, so it was a good feeling to see her hard work pay off.

Her labs came back looking great and her infusion went smoothly.  She did receive the new medication I mentioned to help boost her white blood cell count today.  Going to the appointment, we didn't mention to her that she would be getting a shot just in case it didn't happen, then she would have stressed over nothing.  As soon as she found out, the anxiety began.  A little numbing cream, some great nurses to help distract, Daddy's lap to sit in and a little guy called Buzzy the Bee was enough to get her through without too much drama.  (Buzzy was a little plastic bee that buzzed and you put it on the arm close to where the shot is given.  They said it tricks your brain, I just think it takes your attention off of the shot. Whatever the case, it worked.)  It was over and done with before she realized. 

Next Wednesday she will receive her monthly antibiotic infusion and at that appointment we will get the results from her MRI she has this Friday.  So among the other many lessons we are learning on this journey it seems patience and the ability to peacefully wait seems to keep coming up.  I guess those are areas I need a lot of work!

From there it was off to ROCK.  Today she did a little more trick riding.  She said she worked so hard in class that her legs were shaking and weak afterwards.

Pre-riding stretches
Around the world
Amanda's long legs and Miss Piggy's short legs make this stretch a bit more challenging for her.
Even though the lighting is terrible in this picture, I still love it for what it represents.  This was her trick of the day.  She is on her knees, arms lifted high and her face lit up with a smile of achievement when she hit the pose.  So proud of her!
Once she accomplished that, they did it again, but this time....
.....Miss Piggy walked with her in that pose!

Another great day at ROCK
With her favorite day behind her, we move on with the rest of our week.  Tomorrow, Brandon has a football game and Friday is her MRI.  We are at day 14 of her cycle.  She should have another week or two before her counts start to drop and I plan to take advantage of her feeling well as much as possible.  Bike rides, dog walks and trips to the playground are short but very sweet.

As the time approaches for her MRI, I find myself waging a mental battle.  While I may grow weary, weak and sad, I still have hope, faith and trust.  It is at times like this that the outpouring of love help in more ways than I can express.  Thank you for your continued support and prayers for our family.   We have an acquaintance through Tom's family who is also in the fight against brain cancer.  Reading their blog is one of the hardest, yet most touching things, for they also live to give glory to God in all circumstances.  Recently, his wife posted this on their blog:

"There are times I feel too weak in emotion to pray....it is in those weak times I know you all are carrying us in prayer so much so amidst the tears I continue to just say peacefully over and over....."Lord, hear their prayers."

Amen.  This woman has my admiration and my prayers.  Our faith is what holds us together, lifts us up in moments of weakness, and surrounds us with the love of Christ through fellow believers.  Please know that our family feels your love and prayers and we are thankful.

John 13:35
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

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