I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Watson Weekend, Part 2

Yes, the three dads are in there with all the kids! Best. Dads. Ever.
Look out....here comes Uncle Clint!
It seems you CAN do a cannon ball, even in a kiddie pool...
And the kids loved every moment of it
Amanda helping the little ones practice going under water.

Happy, happy, happy!

Not a safe place for rest and relaxation. Just sayin'.....
Maw Maw didn't mind getting wet at all - especially since it meant getting to hold these precious two!

The one behind the camera rarely gets caught, until now.

Greyson loves baby Jem - but who doesn't?
The Killeen cousins with Aunt Sandy - look mom - he's not crying!!

Jem was napping, so they waited....
....and waited.....
....until finally he was up!

A lap full of sweetness!
Papa has the golden touch when it comes to getting Jem to nap!
Oh yeah, rockin' out with Rock Band

Rock on Abby!

You never know what you will find these two up to....

More baking, and doing a little math while we are at it.

Me and my helpers - another successful and yummy batch of Chocolate Molten Cakes, or as we started calling them 'Lava Cakes.'
Waiting on snow cones..

I'd say he is enjoying his ice cream!

Like mother, like daughter, we both got banana with cream. :)
Nothing better on a hot day than ice cream!
Look at those smiles! We had been looking forward to snow cones for days!

We had an amazing, fun-filled, blessed weekend.

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