I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

When the darkness closes in.....

Well, Friday night was the best night we had in a long while.  While we were up every few hours for medication or she would wake up and ask me to rub her leg or arm, it was so much better than what we have been experiencing!  Night two (Saturday night) was not as smooth, so we will try to tweak things a little tonight to see if we can help her sleep better and be more comfortable. 

We meet with our hospice nurse tomorrow and we are scheduled to meet with Dr. Harrod on Wednesday.  We find that she is sleeping more during the day and she is pretty much confined to the bed at this point.  She is still very aware of what's going on and hasn't lost her personality at all, but she struggles with being comfortable for most of the day.

We got Amanda's hair cut today.  A sweet friend came to our house to cut Amanda's hair and even gave me a trim while she was at it. (So thankful for precious friends!!)  The cut is darling and will be much more comfortable for Amanda by getting her long hair off of her neck.

We also had the opportunity to spend time with family today.  It feels like each visit is more precious and I want time almost stop...

We are trying to get her out a little each day.  It gets more challenging each time, but since she loves to float (and we have started to take Ginger) it is worth the effort.

I have been overwhelmed (as I have been this entire time) with the love and support from friends and family.  Thank you for showing your love through gifts, messages of encouragement and most recently, the care calendar.  We are incredibly grateful.

This picture makes me laugh! Ginger does not look very thrilled at the moment.
Combing her hair was always a chore, and for some reason, the bald guy seemed to do a better job at it than mom.  Go figure!!
Amanda was such a trooper getting her hair cut.  Simply sitting up has become extremely challenging for her, but she was a champ.
A little floating to finish off the day.
The conversations are getting harder and harder, but praise God we are having them with her!  Getting Amanda to talk is extremely important but also extremely difficult.  I am incredibly thankful for Thomas and how he handles those moments with such patience, calmness and confidence. That seems to really help Amanda open up and be willing to share. These are moments and conversations I never imagined that we would experience, but know I will always treasure.

Thankful for each day- trials, tears and all.  

Sometimes the weight of our trials are so severe that we feel as if we can’t keep our heads above the water. The pain is so vicious, the malaise so thick, that we can’t imagine our situation ever changing. We can’t see healing. We can’t articulate hope. And when we try, it just hurts more. We’d rather not pray. We’d rather not open the eyes of our mind — not with all this destruction, not when it’s so dark.

 But Psalm 88 shows us how. 

Cloudy as this psalm seems, (and let me just say -this is a bleak, depressing and dreary Psalm, but this author's point hits the nail on the head for me, so hang with me.) we shouldn’t miss the most obvious point. Yes, the psalmist says his soul is full of troubles, that his life draws near to the grave, that he feels like a dead man, like one forgotten, that it seems as if God has isolated him in regions dark and deep, that he’s drowning, that he can’t escape, that his life is a horror, that he is cast down, unheard, afflicted, shunned — but he’s telling this all to God. (emphasis mine)

He is still speaking — from the pain, in the pain, through the pain. Even if by the faintest whispers, even if by the incoherent groans of a troubled soul, he looks to heaven and says, This is where I’m at, God. This is how dark it feels.
We can come to God like this. Hurting and broken, no matter what, we can still come. We can still come because — and we must remember — God isn’t afraid of the dark.
He walks that road with us. He prays those prayers with us. He fills us with his Spirit, and lifts our burdened souls by his grace. By his cross and victory, because he looked death in the eyes and came back to life three days later, Jesus holds us when it hurts.  

He leads us to worship in the dark.

~John Parnell, Desiring God


  1. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

  2. Praying for your strength to stay strong and to have this time with her. My heart is heavy for all of you. Lifting yall up in prayer constantly!

  3. Prayers for strength, peace and understanding for you all!

  4. Praying for you, Watson family!

  5. Know that you are being supported in prayer by way more people than you can imagine.

  6. Continuing to lift your family up in prayer.

  7. Praying for peace and rest and beautiful moments together.

  8. I pray for you daily as you and your family walk through this valley. I pray for God to carry you through this darkness. The loss of a child is one thing we should never have to endure and I know that pain all too well and it breaks my heart for you. I know that during this time that God has your family wrapped in his loving arms and he weeps with you. Remember He too lost his only son so He knows your suffering. All my love to Amanda and your family.

  9. Standing with you in prayer.

  10. My heart breaks for you and your family. I am lifting you up in prayer. I pray for God's healing power. I want you to know that this blog is a very powerful witness to everyone who reads it. Your strength and the strength of your family and your reliance on God in every aspect of your lives gives me strength. Feel better, Amanda. ---Terry Gray

  11. I went thru kidney failure and the uncertainty's were always there even in the midst of God's love that surrounded me, but one day in the hospital a breathing therapists came in and told me to read psalms 91 and put name in each sentence, it truly changed my mindset and I gave it completely to HIM, that when I got my miracle of a transplants 9 months later. God is with you always and His angels wait to do His will. I will pray for you and your family :)

  12. Our prayers are with you and your family.

  13. Continue holding on. . . You're reaching hundreds, you are giving your daughter a legacy through your writing, through her heart and yours. Your (families) testimony is will be one of strength, grace, enduring love, and will keep your precious daughter with you forever. Your strength (even though you feel you may have none left, at times) is found through the love of God, given to you even at times you want to scream to Him or at Him, he is giving you the strength only a mother can hold within her. Amanda, I pray for your peace of heart, mind, spirit. I pray that the love you and your mother have shown will continue to spread to others. You are loved.

  14. Holding you and your family in the light in these dark times -- a friend of a friend.

  15. My heart is praying and crying right along beside you!

  16. Sandy, we continue to pray for all of you every day- sometimes every hour and every minute. Know that there are many that cry with you and pray with you!

  17. I volunteer at R.O.C.K. and have always been touched by the sweetness of Amanda's smile and brightness of her eyes. Even before I knew she had cancer, I would notice her and would always stop what I was doing just to watch her as she would prepare her horse and ride. She is a very special and precious child of God who shines brightly and warmly with the light and joy of Jesus.

    Despite the exhaustion and pain she feels, your Amazing Amanda is a spark of light and life and I am so blessed to have met her, to have watched her and to pray for her and her family.

    Please tell Amanda how much she is loved and admired. And know for yourself that you are not alone in your great love and pain, and in the many prayers we are all lifting.

    We also pray you will continue to draw strength and hope knowing that our sovereign Lord is also with you because He said in Matthew 28:20 "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

  18. Our prayers and love are with Amanda and all of you.
    Aunt Deana and Uncle Johnny.

  19. Praying continuously that God continues to give you strength for Amanda. The Lord is walking with you and you are not alone. He is holding your hand so that you can be strong for you precious baby girl. Your families' light shines on others as you show your love for Christ. We will all continue our prayers.

  20. Praying for you and your beautiful family!

  21. Sandy and Tom, My heart is full of wonder and love, sadness and grief, and I lift each of you in the Lord's name. I pray for your continued strength in facing each day, I pray for the strengthening of your heart, I pray that the Lord wraps Amanda in the power of his Love and that each of you continue to find peace, joy, and solace in His Word each day. My heart cries for you as I pray. I lift my eyes to the Lord and sing his praises. Amen

  22. Sandy and Tom my heart aches for you too. I know words don't ease your pain but just know many lift you in prayers. Please contact me if I can do anything for you.
    A Becerra

  23. Sandy and Tom my heart aches for you too. I know words don't ease your pain but just know many lift you in prayers. Please contact me if I can do anything for you.
    A Becerra
