I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Our last getaway before school starts....

We received the video of Amanda's memorial service and will share the link here on the blog this week along with Amanda's slideshow. (If I can figure out how to post it!)  Our Crestview family has been so incredibly supportive during this entire journey, but especially in the planning and setup for Saturday, as well as during that entire morning.   So blessed.

Many have asked for more details about what Amanda shared with us on her last morning.  At some point in the very near future we will share in more detail about the morning that Amanda went to heaven here on the blog because it was an answer to prayer. We prayed that God would be merciful, and He was.  It was a beautiful ending to an amazing life story.  The time we were given to spend with her that last morning and the conversations we had were a blessing straight from God. I look forward to sharing.

Brandon starts school tomorrow.  My heart aches that we don't have a few more days to decompress from Saturday, but at the same time, he will be surrounded with love, encouragement and support from our Grace Academy family.  Please pray for him as he starts back with the school routine.

After church on Sunday morning, we took a road trip to San Antonio for a day at Fiesta Texas on Monday.  I'm sure I have mentioned this before, but I have an intense fear of heights.  And roller coasters.  The crazy thing is, this didn't happen until after I had children.  As a child, I loved roller coasters and drove my family berserk with how many times I wanted to ride them.  I even did that crazy high swing where they put two people in this weird tortilla looking wrap, crank you up and let you fly.  Yep.  That was me.  And then my kids came along.

Anyway - back to yesterday, we went to Fiesta Texas to end summer with a bang.  With my fear of heights firmly in my mind, I was determined to ride every ride Brandon wanted to and not complain.  There was that concern I would get to the ride and chicken out, but I didn't!!  The crowd was light, so we went from ride to ride and pretty much made ourselves sick from riding so many roller coasters so close together.  We had a fabulous time in the amusement park, then hit the water park.  All in all, in was a great day. 

I have to admit, it was surreal being there just the three of us.  All day I had that feeling that something was not right.  And it wasn't, because Amanda was not with us.  The intensity of the feeling was at times suffocating and I can't tell you how many times I would find myself crying over it.  I am thankful that despite that, I was still able to enjoy the day.  What a weird combination of feelings to experience.  I don't like the thought of what my days ahead are going to be like.  Leaning deep into His grace.....

I'm sure you won't be surprised at this, but I took my camera.

This was our first ride - the Goliath
Ready for the Boomerang.

Why, yes - yes I did!! I rode the Superman
This one I rode alone while the boys rode a water raft ride.  And I cried the entire ride. Not out of fear, but because Amanda would have loved riding it with me. 
I'm holding up four fingers to signify that we are still a family of four.  Always will be.

This is the view from the Bahama Blaster.  You step into a tube where they shut the door (see below) and while a dramatic heartbeat soundtrack plays, it counts down 3, 2, 1 then the floor below you opens and you fall into the tube.  Scarey, but fun.

Psalm 118:24
This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.


  1. Shine on beautiful momma. The Lord is shining through your family.

  2. Praise The Lord!!! Search for the Joy!
    We love you.
    In our prayers.
    In our hearts.
    Debbie Schiller

  3. Ooooh, love this post. Love the 4 picture. Love you.
