I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Our bounce back has been a little on the rough side....

Well, our bounce back has been a bit bumpy this time, but in a very out of the ordinary way.  Early last week, Amanda bruised her hip causing extreme pain anytime she put weight on it or even moved her leg.  So we started to put heat on it and had her rest it as much as possible for a day or two and by the weekend, it was doing better.  In fact, she was so much better that she spent Saturday playing basketball, climbing on a playground and riding bikes.  While getting ready to leave on a bike ride, however, she fell off the bike standing in the driveway and managed to hurt her hip again!  So on Sunday we were back to resting her hip.  Just like earlier in the week the pain was so bad she was not able to walk on it.  I have to admit, at that point, we were really concerned!  But like before, after resting it for a full day, today there was improvement.

We had Amanda's monthly appointment with Cindy, her physical therapist today so it was good to see what her thoughts were about Amanda's hip.  She had Amanda put ice on it and then gently stretched her muscles.  Thankfully, even during her appointment we saw some improvement.  So she is on a strict "no over-doing it" agenda for the remainder of the week.  This means no Rock lessons and that was a hard blow for her, but with tomorrow's weather forecast, I highly doubt she would have even be riding.  She will miss Wednesday's ROCK lesson due to her doctor's appointment at Dr. Harrod's. 

Speaking of Dr. Harrod, I can't wait to go back in and have another conversation about her great scans!   As I have mentioned earlier, at Wednesday's appointment Amanda will get her Avastin infusion and her white blood cell booster shot.  It should be a quick appointment.

I had the privilege of attending a simulcast of the IF:Gathering event this past weekend.  This was an event put on by some of the fresh, new faces in women's Christianity today - Jennie Allen, Jen Hatmaker and Ann Voskamp to name a few.  It was amazing.  So much truth, encouragement, challenges to grow and awesome worship crammed into two short days.  Not only was it nourishing to me in a spiritual sense, but also in a personal sense as I got to spend the time with a group of fabulous ladies.

Tonight, our Grace boys won their game in the tournament and have advanced to a second game tomorrow night.  All the boys played a great game.  I've enjoyed seeing their improvement as the season has progressed. 

I still get asked what people can do for our family, and the most powerful thing that you can do for our family is to continue to pray for our sweet Amanda and her complete healing.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength."  Corrie ten Boom

1 comment:

  1. I went to an IF event, too! Next time I see you, I want to hear about your favorite parts of the conference. :-)
