I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Team Watson - 10 years later

Ten years ago, on August 6, 2014, we dropped our sweet girl off at the gates of Heaven and had to learn to navigate life without her. 

Psalm 27:13

I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living!

This verse has been a recurring meditation for me, particularly over the last 3 or 4 months.  Keeping scripture in context, in this Psalm, David was still in exile and hunted by King Saul, yet David still had confidence and courage. This Psalm reminds us that when we know the Lord and trust in Him, He will help us overcome the fears that can paralyze our lives.  I can honestly say that in the last 10 years, there have been many, many times I was overwhelmed by fears and despair.  Yet God…

As I sit down to write this, I am in one of my new favorite spots and it just drives home to me how God loves his children.  When I look back at our posts from July and August of 2014 and where we were in Amanda’s journey, I can’t help but marvel at how God has blessed our family. 

April 2013

November 2013

We wanted to take the opportunity to let you know how Team Watson is doing today, where we are and what life looks like for us as we hit this unprecedented milestone.

At our last update in 2018, we were back in Georgetown and I shared a little of my personal journey in the healing process.  I was learning to grieve and take care of myself and focus on Tom, and Brandon as he finished high school.  So much has happened since then!  


In March of this year, we sold our home in Georgetown and built a barndominium on a couple of acres in Little River-Academy and I absolutely love where we are, hence my favorite new spot! As I sit and type this, 7 hummingbirds are zipping and darting through the porch as they come to the feeders, various birds are surrounding our feeder and the breeze is coming in from the south, keeping this August evening bearable.  There are crepe myrtles that have been on this property for decades upon decades that remind me of our girl. She is always with us. 

On a personal note, Tom and I will celebrate 27 years of marriage this September.  Tom is in his 20th year with Williamson County EMS and last spring I quit working to stay home and enjoy each and every day at our new place.

Brandon (who is 23 now) married his high-school sweetheart, Ava Bauer, in 2021. He works for Temple Fire Department and she works at Wolf Ranch Elementary.  We continue to be so proud of the man he has grown to be and feel blessed beyond words to call Ava our daughter-in-law.  Watching the two of them over the last 6 years has been a joy of a journey and she is such a wonderful addition to Team Watson! 

As I find myself in this new season, there is not a day that goes by that I don’t ask God how in the world I deserve the blessings He has given me.  Tom and I often talk about all of those who make up “Team Watson” - the love, encouragement, and support that we were shown by our friends, community, and even total strangers not only during Amanda’s battle with cancer but every day since, is humbling.  I still have people share with me how Amanda touched their lives and impacted their faith. We don’t take that lightly.  It resonates deep within us on the reality of how her life made an eternal impact on the Kingdom. We are blessed to be a part of her story and she will always be a part of who we are.  

So as we reflect on Amanda's life, we remember those who blessed us on our journey, and we are thankful for you.  You touched us in ways that you will never know by helping us carry our burden, rejoicing and grieving with us, and approaching the throne of grace to pray on our behalf.  The impact of your support in those 17 months still resonates with us today.  We know that God is faithful and He works all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. That doesn’t erase the pain of loss, but it gives us the hope and healing that we can only find in Him. 

So as I close, I have to admit, my joy feels surreal.  To get to live this life I have, with my family in a healthy and happy place, and the knowledge that one day we will all be reunited with our girl as we live in eternity praising and worshipping our God - I am grateful to joyously proclaim that I have seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living in my life.  


  1. Thank you dear sister in Christ. I still think about your precious family and share your story often. Congratulations to Brandon - my grandson Austin is a firefighter in Tucson. My 3 great- grandchildren bring tremendous joy!

  2. You all are amazing! Thank you for the update. Amanda was a beautiful little girl with such a beam of light with that smile. She will be waiting for each of you. Enjoy each day together. ♥️

  3. I'm happy to read this. I think of you guys from time to time, and I'm glad to hear that things are going well. I remember your sweet girl, as I remember the times way back in kindergarten when you were a sweet friend to me, Sandy! Thank you for sharing this update with us. It made me smile to see the update come through my email inbox.

  4. Love reading this, Sandy! Yes, God is so good to us, and provides for us even in the darkest of places. Susan keeps me updated a bit, but I miss seeing you and yours, so these photos are a blessing. I'm so happy for Brandon and Ava!

  5. Dear Sandy~ So beautifully said. We are studying the book of Job right now, and this just paints a beautiful picture of God’s restoration and blessing after such heartache and loss. I can’t quite find words (or use enough exclamation points) to tell you how much you are missed, but I’m so happy that this chapter of your life is yet again God’s “rest of the story”!
    Blessings always!

  6. I remember and my heart was so touched by your loss. We lost our son when he was 12 so we knew the sadness of losing a child. But we, too, know that God is faithful.

  7. Love you and your family.Agnes and N.D. loved you too. We remember Amanda and you all in our prayers. Ya'll remian on our prayer list. Thank you for the update.
