I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A birthday gift from Amanda...proudly introducing my daughter, the author.

Hi my name is Amanda.  I would  like to tell you about my life. One day in the year of 2013, when I was in third grade, we realized I could not open my left hand with out using my right hand to open it and I could not play the piano right. Then it got worse.  I started dragging my left foot.  Next I would trip because of the way my left foot dragged.  

So one day we went to Dell Children's Hospital emergency room to make sure nothing was wrong.  They said we should get a MRI done, so we stayed there and got the MRI done.  I chose to stay awake and watched the movie ''holes'' while I did the MRI and that is when I learned I was claustrophobic so we stopped the MRI. The next time we did the MRI the nurses put me to sleep so that I slept through it.  The results came back,I had a brain tumor and it was  effecting my left side.  March 1,2013 I had brain surgery.  I was there for only 9 days.  The only thing I ate at the hospital was chicken strips and mac and cheese.  They said if I walked I could go home. I said ''ok'' and off I went.  Meanwhile, my mom was in the hallway talking to my Aunt Josephine and Uncle Clint.  Aunt Josephine was the fist one to see me.  Her face expression was priceless.  

So I went outside for the first time after surgery.  It seemed like forever since I felt the wind blow my hair, the hot sun on my back, heard the birds and smelt the fresh air. The next day I got to go home. It was so hard for me to keep my head up in the car, it was not that comfortable. Oh boy you should have seen our yard! It was decorated! Friends made signs, put a stuffed animal cow at our door - it was awesome. When I got in our house it felt so good with so many happy memories and another to add to it, it felt so warm; just like home, but it was home. The first thing I did was go to the back door and in let our shepherd mix Bo, who was from the pound.   He is a inside dog an a outside dog and he sneezes when he is happy.  It felt like I just got out of a pool, but I was happy to see him I did not care. I hugged him and kissed him many times. I was so happy to see my room again and lay in my bed. 

Then one day we had my Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Steve and their kids, Abbey and Jem, came over.  That day Uncle Steve and my dad moved my furniture around and we cleaned my room. The next day that I can recall my Aunt JoJo and Uncle Jason and their kids, Cody, Ryan and Kyle came over.  That day I was craving Plucker's chicken wings so they said they would go and get me some so I had Plucker's for lunch that day.  I got so many cards while I was in the hospital and at home.  It felt so good to be loved by so many people.

My grandparents visited me a lot, I loved it. I went to therapy 2 times a week for a long time, but it was fun. I did radiation for 6 weeks, it almost made me hurl, it smelt horrible. Throughout this book I am taking chemo therapy.  After the next couple of chapters I got a port put in.  To be honest, I don't exactly remember when I got it so I am just going to tell you now. 

With Gods help I can get through it…

Therefore,since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,let us also lay aside every weight,and sin which clings so closely,and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,looking to Jesus,the founder and perfecter of our faith,who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12 1-2

Sandy here again - Amanda was my guest blogger twice on my blog during her treatment.  That got her thinking she should write a book.  Of course I encouraged it.  She worked hard at it for awhile, she liked what she had wrote, but then moved on to write a mystery book about Romeo and horses that had gone missing.  That one she even illustrated.  The words above are all hers.  I remember sitting at the foot of her bed and her reading it to me.  Our teachers at Grace are amazingly enthusiastic about teaching and love what they do.  Her first grade teacher, Mrs. Gresham, was an amazing story teller.  During that year, Amanda learned to put much excitement and animation in her reading and she never lost it.  Listening to her was extremely entertaining as she emphasized and expressed her emotions while she read.  Another joyfully heartbreaking memory and one I wouldn't trade for anything.

If I ever get the opportunity to actually publish a book, I think I will include this and make her my co-author.  While it is a short story, I love that it is a view of her experience with cancer from her vantage point.   This is a true treasure beyond worth.  I've been saving sharing it for a special day.

Today is Amanda's birthday.  She would be turning 12.  My focus today will be to cherish who she was and to celebrate who she is.  Cake, balloons and presents are out-done by the glory she is walking in today.   But I would still give anything to have her here, celebrating with her and watching her grow up. 

We will follow her instructions and have a cake with her picture on it today.  Tonight we will have her favorite meal, a tradition in our family. 

And today, with tears and laughter, we will celebrate.

The first ride ride home from the hospital.
The sign made by her classmates

Her first night in her own bed.

Celebrating her 10th birthday.  The last one we would celebrate together here on earth.
September 9, 2013.  She started cycle three of chemo on birthday.
Always her birthday cake of choice - cookie cake!

Last year, Grace Academy dedicated this bench with the beautiful red crepe myrtles at our campus on her birthday.


  1. Happy Birthday Amanda! You are still very loved and missed!

  2. The strength and courage you share is beautiful. Thank you for continuing to update us on how y'all are doing, how y'all are celebrating your beautiful angel. She is celebrating with Him today, what a joyful thought. Happy birthday, beautiful girl!! I never had the privilege of meeting you in person, but I know you through momma's words, and now your own. I celebrate you today.

  3. Sandy, sending Love and Hugs to you and your family. Happy Birthday Amanda!

  4. With much love and many tears. I love you all! Sharon
