I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

An amazing celebration of Amanda's life

What do you say after a day like today?  When Amanda died ten days ago and we planned the memorial service for today, I dreaded the wait.  I dreaded the planning.  I dreaded the service.  I loved the slideshow, then developed a love/hate relationship with it because I had to narrow it down to a time that was entirely too short to tell my Amanda's story.  It was worth every frustrating moment.

Thomas and I both wanted today's memorial to be God honoring and glorifying, while paying tribute to our beautiful daughter's life that was entirely too short.  I have never in my life been more pleased with how something came together as I am with today's celebration. 

The outpouring of love shown today for our family was absolutely mind blowing.  The visual proof of how Amanda touched so many people was a sweet balm for my bruised and breaking heart.

So many of you have reached out and expressed love and support not only through social media, but also through mail.  I have enjoyed the cards so much.  Please know that I have read each and every card, message, text and post.   I have not been able to respond to every one, so I am "cheating" and saying this here - thank you.  Thank you for the encouragement, the support, the words of affirmation and edification and the love.  God's grace is bigger than anything that any of us could ever do on our own.  So if there is any strength or courage you see in our walk on this journey, you must know that it is only because of the strength and courage we find in our Lord and Savior. 

Even though I won't have updates on how Amanda is doing (oh how much it hurts to even think about that reality..) I don't imagine I'll stop blogging, at least not immediately.  Our journey is far from over and this has become such a beautiful outlet for me, I think I would miss it terribly. 

This morning, right before Tom and I walked in to the sanctuary for the service, he reminded me this was not our goodbye.  We had already taken care of that.  This was our time to celebrate the life of our beautiful daughter.  And celebrate we did. 

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Amanda's Rock Ceremony table, along with her favorite blanket and puppy and panda.  She never slept without those stuffed animals.
My little artist - she would paint on just about anything!  I adore this one.
My favorite painting that she has done.
 It was very kind of Dell Children's Blood and Cancer Center to allow us to use one of the banners today.  Our beautiful girl.

Her cowgirl boots, riding helmet and a strand of Romeo's tail.  This was happiness for my girl.


  1. Thank you for sharing your heart with us, know we are praying for your sweet heart and beautiful family. You continue to amaze me, and I'm glad we'll be able to continue reading your encouraging words. <3

  2. Scripture, music, messages and pictures of Amanda....it was a wonderful service of celebration of a young lady who had wisdom and faith that touched so many! Amanda you have touched many and you will NEVER be from our memories. May the Lord continue to hold each of you close as you grieve the loss of Amanda. Love and prayers. Mrs B

  3. Your daughter was blessed to have such a wonderful, loving Mom. Continued thoughts and prayers to you and the rest of your family. I hope that you do continue to blog, as I love reading your entries. Your faith is inspiring to me. May the peace that passes understanding descend upon you during this time with the knowledge that your beautiful daughter is safe in the arms of her Savior.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Will be praying for you in the days ahead. My husband is also battling this same cancer.

  5. Yes! Keep writing! This story is not over. <3

    And, as you said: today was beautiful, sweet, worshipful. A perfect tribute for an unforgettable girl and a powerful, faithful God. Love y'all so much.

  6. I had been waiting for your message this evening so I could tell you how beautiful the celebration service was this morning. I especially loved the beautiful slideshow. Thank you for sharing those precious moments & memories with us. We love you and we are praying for joy.
    Jeremiah 31:13

    Debbie Schiller

  7. Thank you for sharing Amanda's story. I have been following it through a friend. It has touched me and I know it has touched countless others. May you be blessed as you and your family continue your journey.

  8. Today's service was a beautiful tribute to Amanda. Thank you for sharing Amanda's life through the slideshow, you did an amazing job Sandy. Your blog has been such an inspiration to us as I know it has been to so many, thank you for continuing to share with us. We love you all.
    ~ Lance & Laurie Trdy

  9. We love you all. 1 Thessalonians 4

  10. What an honor it was to celebrate Amanda today. She has taught us all so much. Your family has shown us what it is to love Christ in a way that is beyond compression. I love you all dearly, and continue to pray for all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your life with us.

  11. I'm so sad that we missed celebrating Amanda. Our thoughts and prayers were withyou and we'll continue praying for you all.

  12. I hope that you will share Amanda's final earthly moments on this blog. What a testimony !

  13. Sandy, Amanda's celebration of life was simply beautiful. Our Lord's presence was everywhere. Although heart wrenching, God was calming in affirming that it really is "see you later alligator". Amanda was wise beyond her years. Thank you for raising such an amazing God-loving girl. I have learned so much from her throughout her short journey here on earth. Much love an many prayers.

  14. Tom & Sandy, THANK YOU for sharing God's beautiful Gift to o, with u. I lok forward to seeing your post on your Blog. It brings me Peace and comfort, and I pray it does the same for you both. I never got to me this Angel, but felt like I knew her, she will hold a very Special place in my heart, always. May our wonderful Father continue to bring you comfort, as you lean on His everlasting arms...Jane Coffia

  15. What a beautiful service. Your family is a wonderful, powerful example of faithfulness. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Chris and Rhonda Howell
