I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Monday, July 21, 2014

The decisions lay before us....

I almost feel too raw and heartbroken to even have emotions at this point.  I'm too tired to think.  Much less try to articulate how our appointment went today, but here goes:

We basically have four options, all with very different impacts on Amanda's already worn down little body.  The first would be Amanda participating in a phase one study on a new drug at a hospital outside of our local area, possibly out of state.  The second would be an aggressive chemo drug, but with no strong indicator that it will have a solid impact on her tumor and will likely make her feel ill.  Third, there is a lighter chemo drug with minimal side effects that would best be described as palliative, or fourth, no treatment at all.

Let me throw in number five - which would be an unexplainable healing from our great Physician.

We are going to have an MRI done in the next 48 hours to see if we can pinpoint why she has had the sudden resurgence of those early side effects we are seeing and to see if there are any other changes that might be going on.  After reviewing the scan with our team, and after much prayer, we will then make our decision on what treatment plan we will do.

Only God numbers her days.  He can heal her and keep her here with us as long as He chooses.  Her time on earth is in His hands. Tonight, that is where I find my comfort.

But other than the number five option, I have to admit - I hate them all.  I want Amanda healed.  Completely.  I want to keep her here.

Please pray for our entire family over these next few days as we walk this heartbreaking path and for Tom and I as we make a decision.  Amanda has been involved in conversations over the last few days, listening and giving her thoughts.  I am so proud of her for that.

Thank you for all the prayers.  We felt them powerfully.  I have strong children who have a faith in God that never ceases to amaze me.  Amidst the tears and heartbreak we were all experiencing during today's appointment, both kids stayed in the room to be a part of all the discussions at their own choice.  During a moment when Dr. Harrod stepped out, Amanda asked if we could pray.  So we did.  In the exam room, knowing we could be interrupted at any moment, it didn't matter.  We took the time to pray and cry out to God, asking for strength and comfort in our greatest time of need. 

Matthew 18:4
Jesus said, "Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

Hebrews 12:1-2
 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.


  1. Our hearts are with you and we are on our knees beside you.

  2. I find myself holding my breath while reading your posts and realize that is only a fraction of what life must be like while you all walk this journey! Your family's strength, love ,and faith inspires life and hope! My continued prayers will contain hope that you continue to find happiness even in the smallest of measure and find life beyond the heartbreak and fear. May God continue to support and guide your most difficult decisions ahead. As our breath is suspended , may God breathe healing life in Amanda! Amen!

  3. Lifting you up in prayer daily. Praying, praying, praying for a miracle.

  4. Thank you for sharing your burdens with us. I can't do anything to ease your pain but I can join my prayer with yours. Father I lend my pleas to the Watson's. I beg for healing but pray for wisdom and courage and peace through all of this for Amanda and her family.

  5. I only recently found Team Watson, and have been praying with y'all since. I pray for strength, encouragement, comfort and healing. I pray for the medical team caring for your sweet girl. I pray that y'all know that, through Christ, Amanda's story has reached the hearts of many. Although I do not know Amanda personally, I can see her strength and faith in Him through your words. I am so proud of her! I knew Tom 20 years ago when we were classmates. I remember him being a strong Christian with amazing faith, and I can see it carried over to y'all's children.
    Father, I come to you tonight lifting the Watson family up in prayer. I ask that you wrap them in your love. I ask that you, the One And Only with the power to heal this precious child. I ask that the scan show Amanda to be healed, Lord. I ask that you turn Team Watson's story into one of a survivor who will continue to touch the hearts of many. God, the courage that the Watson family has shown, the faith that they have placed in you, the faith that this sweet little girl has placed in you is inspirational to so many. She has taught me so much just by reading the words of her mother. Lord, I ask that Amanda have the opportunity to continue to be a testamony for many years. God, I thank you for leading me to Team Watson's story. I thank you for the chance to see how, even in tragedy, they are still leaning on your love and comfort. I thank you for showing me, through this family, how strong your love is. I thank you for not allowing them to give up. Lord, I come to you tonight to ask that you work through the hands of Amanda's medical team. I ask these things in the precious Name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

  6. I ask God our Father in Heaven to be with your family and provide peace over your worried minds. Your Faith is strong and He knows that. Your family is an amazing unit. I am truly sorry you are having to weather this storm as heart breaking as it is. In your words I can feel your pain...my tears flow freely as I read day to day....week to week and my heart aches for your family. I too am asking God for a Miracle...to cure precious Amanda. You are in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Love to you all.

  7. Bless you on your journey. Many are looking to you to see if God is real in desperate times. This post proves once again that He is. He is real in the heart of a child, He is real in the love of a family, He is real in the hope (despite the despair). You are a beacon to many, bless you for not letting your light go out.

  8. May God's Grace shine down upon you. You have found the Source of your strength. His Well is Deep and it is Wide. As you rest in it and find the Knowing that He has for you may His Peace Overshadow you. May He Hideth your soul in the cleft of the Rock and Cover you there with His Hand. Much Love and Many Blessings to Each of You.

  9. We will pray and have been praying for God to give you wisdom and for Him to provide healing for Amanda. She is on the hearts of so many, especially in your church family. Your faith in Him is your strength. You show remarkable faith and are a great witness to us all. Amanda, you are precious.

  10. I read all of these updates. I cry during all of these updates. I pray after all of these updates.


    -Cory Reedy

  11. I don't like any of the options either. We are praying so hard for you guys....Lisa Nicholas and family

  12. While treatment choices are very personal, I find myself compelled to share my experience. I too had to move away from home to undergo a very harsh chemo treatment. After several rounds of treatment, and being away from home, we found it had almost no effect on my tumor. I came home and took a less aggressive type of chemo which did have some impact on the tumor. While so much of the reason is left to theory, one was that the stress of being away from home, coupled with the strong side effects, may have deterred the chemo from working. It's a horrible choice to be burdened with, but as someone that battles cancer I can say that, for me, it was a better quality of life being surrounded by your loved ones and feeling well enough to live life. You will be in my constant prayers. Trust me, they work more than any treatment you could possibly choose. In Christ Jesus Name. Melanie

  13. My prayers are with you and your family

  14. Our God will provide your family an answer and Amanda will have a huge impact concerning the decision. Wise beyond her years. Praying for strength and comfort.

  15. I went to a beautiful church gathering last night with amazing worship music. The topic was healing and included testimonies from others in attendance. Amanda was in my thoughts and in my heart for the entire 2 hours service. Praying for the #5 option!
