I don't like going this many days without posting, but our week has been a blur. I knew it would be busy!
Tuesday, Amanda had her lesson at ROCK, which went very well. Then we were off to physical therapy. She had another great report. Cindy is still very pleased with Amanda's progress and encouraged her to keep staying active to help build endurance. We do our best. :)
The rest of the week flew by. I was at Grace Wednesday and Thursday helping in the office. The kids spent Thursday night with Wayne and Paula in Temple, then Friday was our Watson Easter. Saturday was our Smith Easter. And after a long, full weekend, Amanda woke up this morning not feeling well with a headache and nausea. We were planning on going to Lawler for their eleven o'clock service, but she felt too sick. She must have really felt bad - she even took medicine! She was crushed that we couldn't go, but thankfully, she perked up this afternoon and we were able to attend Crestview's Easter drama this evening.
The kids don't have school tomorrow and Tom is off, so we have another family day to enjoy together.
Amanda doesn't have much going on this week outside of her ROCK lesson. With another two weeks before she starts chemo, it feels like this cycle is lasting forever!
Please pray that she continues to feel well. I can see a slight difference in how she is feeling overall and definitely think that she is not feeling as well this cycle. She is a trooper though and pushes through it the best she can. Her latest joy has been her flowers that we planted in the front yard and our roses. The roses are blooming, so today she made some beautiful rose bouquets for the house. We are enjoying spring!
Here are some pictures (okay, a lot of pictures!) from the last week and some of what we were up to:
Tom and Amanda planting flowers out front. |
Another beautiful bluebonnet picture. |
Lessons at ROCK with Oakey, Sandra Jo and Kristen. |
I will never say these ladies don't work hard! They ran beside Amanda as she trotted. |
It's the simple things in life, like hugging your horse.... |
Taking Oakey back out to pasture. |
Abby and Amanda helping MawMaw Watson cook. |
It's amazing how quickly they find those eggs! |
Our sweet little Jem was suffering from allergies, but he had a front row seat to the show. |
Amanda and Uncle Stephen racing to get an egg.... | |
The Watson cousins |
The Smith cousins |
Sweet moments, forever etched in my heart. |
My little bundle of energy - this whole twelve, almost thirteen boy thing is a crazy ride. |
Poor Ginger....she just wanted to be with Amanda. |
Does it get any sweeter than this? |
It's been another week full of many blessings, memories and sweet moments. I am more than thankful for each and every one of them.
"Jesus has gone to the furthest horizon of human loss and brokenness so he can say to you: I know." Ligon Duncan
1 Corinthians 15:55-57 (KJV)
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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