I Corinthians 12:24-27

But God has put the body together.... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Going in to Cycle Six.....

Here we sit, on the eve of her sixth chemo cycle, and it still seems unreal.  It is not so much the actual chemo part that I dread the most, but more the emotional side that accompanies it; and the fact that I feel so helpless when she feels so sick. 

I have my gift stash ready to go, and I am looking forward to this round of gifts.  Other than a cute Christmas outfit for Ginger, I went with a cooking theme this month.  We will enjoy some yummy treats if she feels up to a little baking...okay, even if she doesn't feel up to baking we will still enjoy some treats. 

The past week Amanda has lost weight that I wasn’t expecting – especially with last week being Thanksgiving and all the food we had.  She just hasn’t been hungry.  It seems like over the past day or two she has been a little better about eating, but I think that is in part to me being more aware of it and trying to get her to eat more!  

Today’s lesson at ROCK completely wiped her out – so much so she couldn’t eat lunch afterwards. Thankfully she rebounded pretty well as the afternoon went on.  Yesterday’s lesson went well and even though she was on the weak side, she loved just getting out there and riding Romeo.   I think she has done better conserving her energy this cycle and actually seems like she stayed fairly active for most of the time, which is better than we have seen in the past. I’m sure that Thanksgiving and time spent with family had something to do with that.

The new Team Watson shirts are here and they look great!  A huge thank you to Georgetown Sporting Goods for their time and generosity with the Team Watson shirts.  It has been fun passing out these new shirts to our various “teams.” We have a stack to take with us to Dell tomorrow and we will have our shirts on to celebrate this milestone in Amanda’s treatment.  Thank you to everyone that bought shirts!  We continue to be humbled and touched by your support and encouragement.

God surprised me today with His perfect timing in something that seemed so ordinary.  He always supplies what I need, when I need it most and usually in a big way.  I had the opportunity to sneak away for a quick cup of coffee this morning with an amazing lady that I admire and respect.  Something as simple as sharing a cup of coffee, laughing and crying together and her speaking God’s truth in to my life was exactly what I needed going into this sixth cycle.  Sometimes He uses music, sometimes it is through His word, and today it was through a friend that He reminded me that He is sovereign and He loves me.  God is so good. 

Please pray for this upcoming week, that Amanda will not be too sick, that she will stay positive and that this treatment will continue to destroy the enemy we are fighting.  
Waiting to saddle 'em up
I love how comfortable she looks up there!
Tom was giving sweet Sherry a little love..
Nothing more special than a daddy-daughter relationship
It is very special that Sandra Jo is Amanda's horse handler for her Tuesday lesson